Sunday, June 3, 2012

Poppin' my blogger cherry.

My first blog.
Oh. Em. Gee!

You can blame this girl for inspiring me to do so.
 she doesn't know it yet

Sunday = weigh in = nervous!
Lost 2.6 lbs this week!
 Too much? Yes maybe. But considering all the workouts I've been doing.... :)

Waiting for the hubbers to get out of bed
 (someone had a LONG A$$ day yesterday)
Going to my Mimi's
Mimi = Grandmother

Sunday == cheat day.
Yes. Cheat day. 
Why you ask?
Who can go over to their grandparents and NOT eat a TON of DELICIOUS FOOD!

 Last note.
Bought this dress for our wholly cow we've been married for a year already Anniversary beach trip this weekend!
Whatcha think? horrid i know

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